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What does the Quran say about Prophets?

Did you know that the Quran mentions 25 Prophets by name? Most of which are also Prophets in the Biblical texts. Names like Abraham, Noah, Lot, Moses and Joseph are all very common names throughout the chapters of the Quran. In fact, the most mentioned Prophet in the Quran is not Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him]. On that note, the most mentioned women in the Quran is a mother of a Prophet; she also has an entire chapter named after her and NO it is not the Prophet Muhammad's mother. - continue reading to find out who.

Prophets are human beings, who were chosen by God Almighty to preach the same, universal message: to BELIEVE IN ONE GOD. Prophets guided their nations to reform their morals and purify their souls. This growth was achieved through commands and rules that ensured human beings acted morally, honoring them in this life and the next, and to protect them from evil doings. Muslims must have faith in all the Prophets, as they deliver God’s message without hiding, corrupting or altering it. To reject a Prophet, is to reject the One who chose the Prophet, and to disobey a Prophet is to disobey the One who gave the commands. God Almighty sent a Prophet to every nation, and most Prophets were of that same nation. They preached to worship God the Creator, alone.

The Quran
We surely sent a messenger to every community, saying, “Worship Allah and shun false gods.” But some of them were guided by Allah, while others were destined to stray. So travel throughout the land and see the fate of the deniers!

Quran (16:36)

Prophets and Messengers were sent by God Almighty over the course of man's civilisation on Earth to remind the people of their purpose in life, the worship of one God. The Prophets in the Quran not only share the same name as the Prophets in the Biblical texts, in fact they are the very same person.

The fine details of the stories will vary, however you will notice that the main story line is identical. For example, Noah built an arc, Moses split the sea and Jesus cured the leaper. On this point, it is important to note, that the Quran mentions the 25 Prophets in praise. Each of these Prophets is commended by God for their role as pious worshipers who delivered the message to their people.

Because of their mention in the Quran, it has become a condition of Islam that Muslims believe in ALL of the Prophets and Messengers. Here is a list of the 25 Prophets mentioned in the Quran along with the number of times they were mentioned.

1. Musa (Moses) mentioned 136 times

2. Ibrahim (Abraham) - 69 times

3. Nuh (Noah) - 43 times

4. Lut (Lot) - 27 times

5. Yusof (Joseph) - 27 times

6. Isa (Jesus) - 25 times

7. Adam - 25 times

8. Harun (Aaron) - 20 times

9. Sulayman (Solomon) - 17 times

10. Ishaq (isaac) - 17 times

11. Dawud (David) - 16 times

12. Yaqub (Jacob) - 16 times

13. Ismael (Ishmael) - 12 times

14. Shuayb - 11 times

15. Salih - 9 times

16. Zakaria - 7 times

17. Hud - 7 times

18. Yahya - 5 times

19. Muhammad - 4 times

20. Yunus (Jonah) - 4 times

21. Ayyub (Job) - 4 times

22. Idris (Enoch) - twice

23. Alyasa (Elisha) - twice

24. Elyas (Elijah) - twice 25. Thul Kifl (Ezekiel) - twice

In the introduction we mentioned that the most mentioned women in the Quran is a mother of a Prophet. This pious women is Mary mother of Jesus (may the peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon her). There is also an entire chapter in the Quran named 'Mary'. If the Quran was authored by Muhammad (PBUH) as some have claimed, then would it not be more rational that 'the author' mentions his own mother in his book?

Would it not be more logical that he names a chapter after his own mother? Logic alone is sufficient to falsify any claim that the Quran was authored by a man.

It is important to remember that Prophets were sent to preach the message of God. They are not equal in status to God, and must not be over exalted or given prominence over the belief in God. This has been exemplified in the following verse:

Muhammad is no more than a Messenger; other messengers have gone before him. If he were to die or to be killed, would you regress into disbelief? Those who do so will not harm Allah whatsoever. And Allah will reward those who are grateful.

Quran (3:144)


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This publication includes an English Translation of the Quran (in simple English) along with information about the context of every chapter. You will also find other interesting topics covered such as: How to Pray, Women in Islam and the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

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